Friday, January 16, 2009

An open letter to Bill O'Reilly

Dearest Bill O'Reilly,

I'd like to address your repeated claim of the supposed "Bush haters". In reality, it seems that the people you call out are, in fact, just very partisan leaning liberals. The fact that they hate George Bush is a moot point due to the fact that what they really are doing is not necessarily pushing against Bush, but staunchly adhering to their liberal beliefs.

So really, the core of the problem here is strict partisanship. But, when you call out these people as "Bush haters" you are falling victim to the partisanship problem as well. For, you are not also calling out the haters that exist on the extreme right wing of the spectrum too. In this lack of condemnation for the extreme right wing partisanship that is also occurring, you make it seem as though you have pardoned them for their equally poor partisan judgments. I feel if you want to maintain any kind of credibility in your news-casting, you must condemn all partisan adherence, rather than just the liberal side of this spectrum.

For example, you are always condemning NBC for its liberal leanings. But you never condemn your own network for its own conservative leanings. Fox News is no less of a "hate monger" than is the NBC network. You can't just call out those who do not agree with you, and let those you do agree with to get away with everything you've already condemned on the other side of the spectrum. This is not a fair and even approach that you are taking with the condemnation of "Bush haters". The overarching problem is extreme partisan politics on both sides of the spectrum; and you must condemn this behavior on both sides, not just the side you disagree with.

Thank you very much; and I look forward to your response.
Daniel Anderson

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