Tuesday, October 6, 2009


As far as i'm concerned, all good things must come to an end. And, as far as I can tell, the end of an era is an end, no matter how bitter or joyous that end may be. But who's to say one good thing ever came out? Who's to say that the materialization of all our trials and tribulations ever reached one positive outcome?

And who's to say that an end to what is familiar will ever change a thing?
Though we find ourselves in different homes and surrounded by different lives, we still remain forever stagnant in our ways. No matter where we lay our heads, we will forever perpetuate the things that truly make us quake. Sixty miles between the now and then, yet still the late night self-loathing ensues. Still, we are haunted by our own misfortunes. By our own mistakes. Though we may go home to reverse the past, we may never reverse the things that meant so much in the nights of years ago.

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